Jury on AI is still out!
To begin with we were innately better evolved than all other species just due to one capability - "thinking". We then gradually developed skills to communicate amongst each other and there on think for the community and that's how we have reached, where we have.
Now in the technology landscape, with IoT - we are giving machines a capability to communicate with us. In near future, with AI we plan to give them self learning and subsequently collaboration capabilities.
Drawing parallels between human and machine evolution journeys, I believe, until a significant foreseeable future - AI & Self learning will be very beneficial in terms of enhancing productivity, reliability and reducing costs. Self learning Machines interacting with humans is safe and productive zone. I would categorize the M2M interaction self-learning machine is a warning zone.It is a warning zone because it will be very hard to ascertain as to when these self-learning Machines start thinking not only for themselves but start thinking as a community. That might be the point of no return.
What Forbes has to Say about this!!